
The 37th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prizes

“Women Living with Their Costumes: The Material Culture and Mother-daughter Relationships of the Miao”(Kyoto University Press, 2020)


Wakana Sato(Associate Professor,Niigata University of International and Information Studies)

“Community, State, and Market in Economic Development: Changing roles in Modernizing Asian Villages”(Nippon Hyoron sya, 2020)


Kei Kajisa(Professor, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University)

“Formation of the U.S.-Japan Joint Defense Arrangement, 1951-1978″(Minervashobo, 2020)


Mayumi Itayama
(Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Kokushikan University)

“The Business Reinvention of Japan: How to Make Sense of the New Japan, and Why it Matters”(Stanford University Press, 2020)


Schaede Ulrike(Professor, University of California San Diego)

“Prototype City”(Kadokawa Press, 2020)


Kota Takaguchi(PH),Masakazu Takasu,Sho Sawada,Junichi Fujioka,Asei Ito,Hiroo Yamagata

“Immigrants and the Japanese Society”(Chuko Shinsho, 2020)


Kikuko Nagayoshi(Associate Professor of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo)