“Women Living with Their Costumes: The Material Culture and Mother-daughter Relationships of the Miao”(Kyoto University Press, 2020)
Wakana Sato(Associate Professor,Niigata University of International and Information Studies) |
“Community, State, and Market in Economic Development: Changing roles in Modernizing Asian Villages”(Nippon Hyoron sya, 2020)
“Formation of the U.S.-Japan Joint Defense Arrangement, 1951-1978″(Minervashobo, 2020)
Mayumi Itayama |
“The Business Reinvention of Japan: How to Make Sense of the New Japan, and Why it Matters”(Stanford University Press, 2020)
Schaede Ulrike(Professor, University of California San Diego) |
“Prototype City”(Kadokawa Press, 2020)
Kota Takaguchi(PH),Masakazu Takasu,Sho Sawada,Junichi Fujioka,Asei Ito,Hiroo Yamagata |
“Immigrants and the Japanese Society”(Chuko Shinsho, 2020)
Kikuko Nagayoshi(Associate Professor of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo) |